CBD Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change Opens in Helsinki

© CBD18 April 2009: The second meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Biodiversity and Climate Change of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) opened on 18 April 2009, in Helsinki, Finland, and will continue until 22 April 2009.

Addressing the opening session, CBD Executive Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf stressed the importance of the work of the AHTEG with regard to the links between biodiversity, climate change adaptation and climate change-related risks and vulnerability. He added that the AHTEG is expected to provide policy-relevant input to the UNFCCC process under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, and to the CBD Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA), to help shape future actions. [The statement] [Meeting’s documents]